
Week3_Video Critique

Brisbane Parkfinder

a. Communication of concept:
First impression?
Can you really understand the concept?
Not at all. First I can barely hear what he says due to the background noise, and it's so boring that I'm easily distracted while watching it.
What questions does it raise?
1. Too much narration.
2. Perhaps it's the editing mistake, only part of the problem statement is brought up in the video. I thus have no idea why he wanna do this.
3. Screenshots are too vague
4. Background noise is too loud.
5. The shots are boring, just one scene with still shots, not even use a shot cut.
What could they do better?
1. Decrease the narration part, try to use other ways to communicate the concept. If you do want to narrate, at least recite the content.
2. Double check the final video to avoid editing mistakes.
3. Wear an earphone to record your voice.
4. Use more shooting and editing skills to make the video vivid.
What do they do well?
The prototype is not that bad compare to the rest part of the video.
b. Video Content & Approach
Is there a better way to show certain things?
1. Instead of narration, we can use a time-lapse shot of a car finding car parks to introduce the existing problem.
2. Use animation to show a concrete scenario of using the site.
The quality of the video? Audio?
Shots are stable with some editing mistake. The resolution is a bit low.
Audio is terrible.

Plain English Google Docs

a. Communication of concept:
First impression?
Can you really understand the concept?
Yes, the concept is very clear, perhaps it's because I'm using it and quite familiar with it.
What questions does it raise?
It's all good.
What could they do better?
Maybe using some skills to get rid of the dental floss? :)
What do they do well?
1. The content is well structured. First describe the general problem, then show a concrete case of the problem, then propose the solution to address the problem, and illustrate some extra function of the product at last. 
2. The narrator is articulate.
3. Great case of using paper prototyping to make it easier to get the idea across to less tech-savvy people. The idea of using dental floss to create motion is genius.

b. Video Content & Approach
Is there a better way to show certain things?
I can't think of any.
The quality of the video? Audio?
Both are good.


Video URL: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/excelsiorgames/pegasus-the-next-generation-of-chess-0
a. Communication of concept:
First impression?
No good.
Can you really understand the concept?
No, what I see is a set of a chess-like game. Without the description of rules, I have no idea what's going on with the game and I do not enjoy it.
What questions does it raise?
1. No description of his concept at all. Why does he want to do this? What are the rules? What part is funny? Those questions are not answered at all.
2. The new age style background music is distracting.
What could they do better?
1. Add some description, at least subtitles, to get the concept or design rationale across.
2. Introduce the rules.
3. Change the soundtrack to fit the effects after each step. 
What do they do well?
The mock-up and animation are good. We can easily recognize it is two men playing a chess game.

b. Video Content & Approach
Is there a better way to show certain things?
Restructure the content. First the problem statement, to illustrate why he wants to build the game and it's target audience. Second, describe the rules, how to win or lose the game. Third, using part of the current video to show a case. After that, you can add some real shots of two men playing this game at a table and having fun.
The quality of the video? Audio?
The resolution of the video is a bit low. The music is good, but can't be the audio here.


Video URL:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/formlabs/form-1-an-affordable-professional-3d-printer
a. Communication of concept:
First impression?
Can you really understand the concept?
Yes, it communicates the concept quite well.
What questions does it raise?
I can be critical but it's too hard to find faults in such an excellent kickstarter video.
What could they do better?
Can't find any.
What do they do well?
1. Information well structured.
2. Varieties of presentation skills.
3. High quality video and audio.

b. Video Content & Approach
Is there a better way to show certain things?
Have no idea.
The quality of the video? Audio?
Both are high-quality.

a. Communication of concept:
First impression?
No good.
Can you really understand the concept?
No, what I see is a set of a chess-like game. Without the description of rules, I have no idea what's going on with the game and I do not enjoy it.
What questions does it raise?
1. No description of his concept at all. Why does he want to do this? What are the rules? What part is funny? Those questions are not answered at all.
2. The new age style background music is distracting.
What could they do better?
1. Add some description, at least subtitles, to get the concept or design rationale across.
2. Introduce the rules.
3. Change the soundtrack to fit the effects after each step. 
What do they do well?
The mock-up and animation are good. We can easily recognize it is two men playing a chess game.

b. Video Content & Approach
Is there a better way to show certain things?
Restructure the content. First the problem statement, to illustrate why he wants to build the game and it's target audience. Second, describe the rules, how to win or lose the game. Third, using part of the current video to show a case. After that, you can add some real shots of two men playing this game at a table and having fun.
The quality of the video? Audio?
The resolution of the video is a bit low. The music is good, but can't be the audio here.

