
week 4 in-class exercise 2


Alarm clock application for your smartphone:
Can set, edit & delete multiple alarms 
Can daisy-chain alarms - if one is allowed to ring out, another is activated automatically 
Can set different tones for different alarms Shake phone to snooze 
Design & describe a horizontal, a vertical & a diagonal prototype for this application

Horizontal Prototype

The horizontal prototype is the alarm's home screen, which shows an overview of all the features of the alarm. All the detailed information you can see from the annotation.

Vertical Prototype

I did a vertical prototype of the feature of creating a new alarm.  By clicking the plus icon on the home screen, the user will enter the screen below.

By clicking the plus icon on the home screen, the user will enter the screen below.

 Choose the settings and click save.

The system automatically goes back to the home screen with the new alarm shown on the screen.

Diagonal Prototype

This type of prototype has two dimensions that combine both horizontal and vertical. The user could have a general idea base of the prototype of the home screen, but also can go deeper to the pathways, i.e. series of scenarios to show full functionally of the features. The scenarios of the alarm could be adding, editing or deleting an alarm.

1. Add an alarm (refer to the pictures in the last section).
2. Edit an alarm (refer to the pictures in the last section, as the adding and editing screen are exactly the same)
3. Delete an alarm

Click delete

There will be minus icon displayed beside the alarms, click the minus icon of the 08:50 am alarm

The home screen after deleting the alarm


