The original and detailed testing approach
I will run a workshop and invite a small group of people from different age and background to help me do the user evaluation. Before watching the video prototype, I’ll give each of them a brief note with a general description of the concept, butcher’s paper, and post-it notes. Then I’ll play the video and encourage them to write down their questions as well as concerns of this game on the butcher’s paper while watching it. After that, I’ll propose 5 questions to them, which are listed below:
1. Do you know how to play Twistpace Invader after watching the video?
2. What is the funniest or dullest part of the game?
3. Are there any potential problems that you can foresee?
4. What can be refined in terms of rules or interactivity to make the game more interesting?
5. Would you like to play it?
After that, I’ll arrange a short individual brainstorming session in response to the four major questions and write it on the post-it notes. The user will be asked to present their ideas, stick the post-it notes to the butcher’s paper and group the similar idea together.
At this stage, I’ll ask them some in-depth questions of the first 4 general questions to dig deeper.
1. Do you know how to play Twistpace Invader after watching the video?
a. If so, explain to us how to shoot or move?
b. If not, which part you do not understand?
a) Why does it make you hard to understand? It’s because the video or is too vague or the game itself is too complex and confusing?
b) Do you have a better way to communicate the concept?
2. What is the funniest or dullest part of the game?
a. If it exists, why is it the funniest or dullest part? Is it your preference or guess?
b. If you can’t think of any, is it because the whole concept is utterly brilliant or bad?
3. Are there any potential problems that you can foresee?
a. If so, what are the problems?
a) Do you think it’s a universe problem or a problem only occurs under certain condition?
b) Are they serious problems?
b. If not, what do you think of the problems proposed by other people? Do you think they are problems as well?
4. What can be refined in terms of rules or interactivity to make the game more interesting?
a. Do you have a better idea of the rules?
a) Compare to the existing rules, why is it better?
b) Does the rule obey the initial concept of making a funny game as well as contributing to your body coordination and balance?
b. Are there any bugs in the existing rules?
c. Can you think of some new interactions that can be used in this game to make it more appealing?
I’ll use a camera to record the whole workshop, and keep all the outcome that generated during the process until the feedback that contains criticize, suggestions or encouragement are summed up after the workshop. It will be of great significance to iteration in the future.The actual survey questions
1. Can you understand the basic rules of the game? (1-5)
Intention: to know if I communicate the game rules clearly.
Intention: to know if I communicate the game rules clearly.
2. Do I communicate the design rationale clear enough? (1-5)
Intention: to know if I get the problem statement, target audience, mashup concept, and interactions across to the user.
3. Do you think it's an interesting game? (1-5)
Intention: to know a general popularity of the game.
4. Why or why is it not interesting?
Intention: find the interesting part and reinforce, discover the dull part and modify.
5. Can you foresee any problems of the game? (e.g. rules, interactions, etc)
Intention: find the potential problems that I have not thought of.
6. Do you have any suggestions to refine the game to address the potential problems that you concern?
Intention: get the solutions addressing the problems in the last question.
7. What do you think of the quality of the video? (1-5)
Intention: to see that if the video is good to this extent of quality.
8. What do you think of the quality of the audio? (1-5)
Intention: to see that if the video is good to this extent of quality.
It's a pity that I forgot to put a text question of the video and audio quality, which might give me some suggestions about shooting, recording or editing skills.