
WK8_exercise_Innovative Physical Interactions

We were asked to come up with at least 5 different physical interactions (focus on tangible and/or embodied) for Email, Twitter, and Super Mario Bros.

- a steering wheel. Turn it to select emails and honk to check the detailed content.
- a card case with business cards. Remove a card from the card case to delete an Email.
- a switch. Switch it on to mark an Email as unread while switch it off to mark an Email as read.
- a flag shape on a board. Press the shape to flag or unflag an Email.
- a real mailbox. Open the mailbox to enter the inbox and close to go back to the default page.

- a bird to read tweets and post your tweet by speaking to it. A sensor will be embedded to interpret the sound to text.
- a valve. Spin to retweet.
- a metal letter board to type in the tweets.
- piano keys. Press white key to comment, black key to retweet.
- a pen and a paper. Write on the paper and it'll automatically convert to digital text on the screen.

Super Mario Bros:
- a seesaw to control the moving direction and the jumping of Mario.
- two drumsticks and a drum. Beat the drum by a single drumstick to move forward or backward, beat the drum by both drumsticks to jump, and hit the two drumsticks to shoot.
- a scale. Put the weights on one side to control the moving direction
- a gun to control the shooting.
- a wire coil on a metal tube. Spin the coil clockwise or counterclockwise to control the moving direction. Move the coil up or down to jump.

As my game mashup idea also has the features of moving and shooting which are similar to the Super Mario Bros. I'd like to apply the drumstick idea to the Makey-Makey project.

